The brand new swing open suicide door and gunner seat (seen in the trailers) with proton pack attached. The details range from the open up rear doors, the rusted old body panels, Credit: LEGO/Sony Pictures You’re paying roughly half the price for half the kit, but let me remind you what a kit this thing is! The Firehouse (75827) has 4636 pieces for $349.99 US dollars. $199 USD is going to get you 2352 pieces, which is exactly 2284 pieces less than the Ghostbuster Firehouse (75827).
To help you in your debate as to whether this newest set, based on The Ghostbusters movie is worth it or not, I’ll help break it down for you. It is a little more expensive than most average LEGO sets out there, especially if you’re not a hard-core LEGO collector and you just like to dabble in LEGO or just buy your favourite franchise when the licenses come out. ***This concludes Minor Spoilers segment, Continue on reading for rest of article*** In my opinion, that is good enough to make up for the lack of minifigures.
DO NOT click the “Details” Dropdown for a spoiler free experience.***

***The following section (within Details) contains minor Spoilers about Ghostbusters: Afterlife. A serious catch 22 is you don’t get any minifigures with this set and some people might not be okay with that (given the price of the set) but what you DO get are a bundle of expensive Technic pieces to build the chassis of this monster. I had no one to tell me “no, you can’t have that” and that made me happy. I was an adult with a well-paying job when they started making Ghostbuster LEGO Sets. This beast of a set will easily keep you entertained for AT LEAST a few hours compared to the original Ecto-1 set (21108) containing a mere 508 pieces.
Let me tell you this thing is beautiful and for only $199 USD you get 2,352 pieces of LEGO plastic crack goodness. It is based on the slightly rusted “updated version” as seen in Ghostbusters Afterlife in theaters Novem(the 4th tentative release date as of publishing of this article). Now, almost a decade later, there is a brand new BEAST of a LEGO Ecto-1 (10274) out. It’s been seven years since the original Ecto-1 (21108) was released. What’s a ghost head you might ask? Well, a Ghost Head is the equivalent of a Trekkie or Trekker (Star Trek), Whovian (Doctor Who), or Seussian (Dr Seuss), but applied to the Ghostbusters franchise. This set is sure to bring “Ghost Heads” out of the Woodworks. There’s something strange in the neighborhood! Well, No not strange but new, awesomely & nerdfully wonderful! In these days of Covid-19 and the general roller coaster it has caused the year 2020 and currently spilling into 2021, Who Are You Going To Call? The LEGO Company have the answer to your boredom and stress! Boy have they ever come back and done it yet again with another fantastic phenomenal LEGO set – this time based on the Ghostbusters franchise.