Is It Safe to Use Script for Jailbreak in 2023? Here are some basic questions related to Roblox Jailbreak scripts. Uiservice.InputEnded:connect(function(key) If key.Ke圜ode = Enum.Ke圜ode.F and game.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.Ke圜ode.LeftControl) then

Uiservice.InputBegan:connect(function(key,processed) If flying and not keys.w_active and not keys.a_active and not keys.s_active and not keys.d_active then Hrp.CFrame = CFrame.new(hrp.Position, (*frontoffset).Position) Velocity = velocity + GetVelocity(hrp.Position,(hrp.CFrame*rightoffset).Position,flyspeed) Velocity = velocity + GetVelocity(hrp.Position,(hrp.CFrame*leftoffset).Position,flyspeed) Velocity = velocity + GetVelocity(hrp.Position,(hrp.CFrame*backoffset).Position,flyspeed) Velocity = velocity + GetVelocity(hrp.Position,(hrp.CFrame*frontoffset).Position,flyspeed) Local rightoffset = CFrame.new() + Vector3.new(maxdistance,0,0) Local leftoffset = CFrame.new() + Vector3.new(-maxdistance,0,0) Local backoffset = CFrame.new() + Vector3.new(0,0,maxdistance) Local frontoffset = CFrame.new() + Vector3.new(0,0,-maxdistance) If pcall(function() return v.Engine and v.Seat.PlayerName end) then :connect(function()įor i,v in pairs(workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()) do Local function GetVelocity(pos1,pos2,StudsPerSecond) Local maxdistance = 100000000000000 -using math.huge makes this script wonky Jailbreak Fly Scripts for Car 2023 local flyspeed = 300

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