He has co-authored academic research with Michal Lipson, Alexander Gaeta, Keren Bergman, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Lane W. His thesis advisors were Michal Lipson and Alexander Gaeta at Cornell University. The title of his thesis was "Scaling silicon nanophotonic interconnects : silicon electrooptic modulators, slowlight & optomechanical devices". in Electrical Engineering with minor in applied engineering physics from Cornell University. He also completed research under the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana at Indian Institute of Science working at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics and in optimal control at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich. Manipatruni received a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Physics from IIT Delhi in 2005 where he graduated with the institute silver medal. His work has appeared in Nature, Nature Physics, Nature communications, Science advances and Physical Review Letters. Manipatruni is a co-author of 50 research papers and ~400 patents (cited about 7500 times ) in the areas of electro-optic modulators, Cavity optomechanics, nanophotonics & optical interconnects, spintronics, and new logic devices for extension of Moore's law. Manipatruni contributed to developments in silicon photonics, spintronics and quantum materials. Sasikanth Manipatruni is an American engineer and inventor in the fields of Computer engineering, Integrated circuit technology, Materials Engineering and semiconductor device fabrication. Ramamoorthy Ramesh Lane_W._Martin fr:Manuel Bibes Scaling silicon nanophotonic interconnects : silicon electrooptic modulators, slowlight & optomechanical devices (2010) Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics IEEE/ACM Young Innovator Award, National Academy of Engineering Frontiers award, SRC Mahboob Khan Award